Well-Paid Maids
- Précis
Home-cleaning companies aren’t known for their ethical commitments. But most aren’t Well-Paid Maids. Amidst a tidal wave of soul-crushing employment trends (gig contracts, overwork, absence of benefits), WPM stands apart, employing actual employees, and paying them a living wage — for DC. It was a personal honor to be asked to redesign & rebuild their marketing website, into which I sought to celebrate the dignity, care, competence, and joyful spirit of WPM itself.
- Services
Logo design, information architecture, visual design, art direction, front-end development, CMS integration.
- Link

In my effort to infuse the whole Well-Paid Maids experience with joy, I deliberately engineered the home-page-scrolling experience to be one of reassuring delight. Home cleaning is, in the end, a process that leaves you more delighted with your own home.
A major highlight of the project was collaborating with internationally-renowned commercial & editorial photographer Sasha Reiko, whose brilliant work brought to life all the brightness, optimism, and craftsmanship we had aimed for.

In every CMS-backed website I build, I take the client’s experience maintaining the site as personally as I do its public-facing exterior. Their ease and accessibility are one-and-the-same. Virtually every node of content throughout Well-Paid Maids is smoothly configurable on the back-end, 24/7.
Through discrete, deliberate, and tasteful applications of motion, the ‘About’ page continually invites users to keep reading about all the facets & faces of Well-Paid Maids.

Before we built the site, I began by tackling the foundational task of redesigning Well-Paid Maids’s logo system & type family. I wanted to visually articulate all the traits that were already innately true about WPM: its professionalism, its contemporary character, its dedication to its customers, and its pride in its employees.